Rakesh Sethi, BS, CAHP

Wellness Speaker/ Author/ 

Ayurvedic Practitioner

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Rakesh Sethi's Blog

How a Movie Example can Teach Us About Spiritual Healing?

Posted on: June 27th, 2011 by Rakesh Sethi 12 Comments

I want to share a short real life example that I hope will change the way you look at yourself and your role in this life forever. The wisdom in this example challenges your subtle intellect and awakens your spirituality to question your real-self and role in this life. As soon as you begin to practice this awareness, spiritual healing starts to replace your sufferings with peace, health, and wellness.

Do You Ever Question This After Watching a Movie?
A friend comes back after watching a movie. He can not stop talking about how good the movie was. The story touched him in many levels. Sometimes he laughed and another he even cried. I asked him why he liked so much. He liked it because the actors played their parts so real and the story unfolded beautifully not knowing what will happen next. These are main hallmarks of any good movie. He enjoyed the movie even though he cried through the tragic, depressing, and sad parts of the story. But if similar tragic events happened in my friend’s life, he wouldn’t enjoy the experience of suffering as he did while watching the movie. Why is that?

This is a question that warrants a closer observation. Is it because we enjoy watching tragedy in other people’s lives? I hope not. Or is it because, we engage with the movie as a witness knowing very well that all characters in the storyline are just actors. Each actor also knows it is a temporary role and not their real self so they also enjoy and do their best to play their role. In fact their real self is observing to make sure that their character comes across real whether it is rich, poor, good, funny, or tragic role. And after the movie is over, everyone goes on their new and separate ways.

Doesn’t That Sound Familiar?
Now think subtly. Isn’t this what happens in our life? We try to perform our role on this “stage” of life to the best of our ability in good, sad, or bad times. While performing, if we strictly identify with the physical self playing the character role permanently, we suffer. On the other hand while performing if we identify with our higher spiritual self (individual consciousness), we realize the character role we are playing is temporary, and our higher spiritual self is overseeing as a witness. Remember, my friend really enjoyed the movie as a witness. So it is with our life. Identify with your higher self, become and live as a witness, and enjoy while performing your physical role with full vigor and conviction. With such awareness, you enjoy playing any role just as the actors enjoy playing their roles in the movie.

Now Put This to Work for You
Can you cultivate this subtle shift in your awareness about your self? It will not be easy, especially the way we are programmed to live. You need to give your self time to reflect. Be among people with such attitudes. Read inspiring, motivating, and thought provoking writings, books, or poems. Recently I came across a wonderful collection of inspiring and spiritually healing poems and other work by an artist, Milo Adorno. Do whatever it is you need to do to cultivate this spiritual awareness.

I am not saying you have to enjoy your sufferings. I am saying that living with such spiritual awareness you can enjoy the experience of healing while suffering. One common theme that was found in most 70 and older healthy people aging gracefully was their ability to accept and then let go of the tragic events in their lives.

You see spiritual awareness causes subtle mental shift that creates powerful healing effect that permeates health and wellness through out your mind and body. In fact the impact of spiritual healing on our mind body health is far greater than the foods, herbs, or any other supplements.

Natural Home Remedies for Diabetes: Diet for Diabetics

Posted on: June 19th, 2011 by Rakesh Sethi 1 Comment

Recent statistics reveal that the Diabetes Mellitus (type 2) cases are on the rise, especially, in age group 20 and younger. And herein lays the URGENCY to raise a healthy next generation. One of the main contributing factors is increase in processed and fast food diet and sedentary life style. Good news is you can treat this type of diabetic condition by using simple, easy, and natural home remedies for diabetes. Bad news is, if you let it slide and ignore, you will face life altering risks of:

• Robbing you of your normal quality of life
• Making you more vulnerable to life threatening diseases- High Blood Pressure, heart disease, nervous system, stroke, kidney failure, amputation, and blindness
• Taking your wounds longer to heal
• Increasing your risk of death 2 times the people without diabetes

I hope these life threatening risks would inspire you to take immediate action after consulting with your doctor.


Diabetes Mellitus is a disease more probable when you are:
• Over Weight
• Overeating- not just sugar products but also proteins, fats, and carbohydrates
• Eating wrong diet- refined sugar, cereals, and white flour products
• Living under constant stressful and inactive lifestyle

Treatment with Natural Home Remedies for Diabetes

The natural remedies will be effective only after you remove the causes and then follow the changes in your diet and life style as described below:
• Remove fatty & fried foods
• Avoid all together or limit cheeses
• Replace wheat grains, rice, and white flour with oats, barley, millets, or quinoa
• Add bitter melon and okra to your vegetable menu (or 2oz. of bitter melon juice per day)
• Add sprouted fenugreek seeds in your diet about 100gm per week (2000mg in capsules/day)
• Use sunflower oil in place of all other oils
• Cook recipes that use garlic, onions, and ginger. In fact take ginger tea 2-3 times a day
• Other add-ons you can frequently use in cooking are; cinnamon, holy basil, cayenne, coriander seeds
People familiar with Ayurveda should note that basics behind diet suggested here is Kapha pacifying diet.

Role of Exercise

There is an incredible amount of evidence that regular vigorous (aerobic) exercising benefits all factors of diabetes. If you are just starting, start with gentle walking and work up to more intense routines.
Yoga is excellent in exercising and stimulating the functions of the internal organs along GI tract, liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc. Do the Following Yoga positions- Cobra pose, Fish pose, Spinal twist, and Janushirasna

Herbal Support

There are many herbal solutions to support you with the above diet. Take Glucostat as directed. If in doubt, please see an Ayurvedic practitioner for assessment. Gradually,  it is possible your natural home remedies for diabetes, mainly your diet, may be sufficient and you may not require additional herbal support.  If you are taking prescription drug, please consult with your doctor.


Whether you are over or under 20 years of age, these natural home remedies for diabetes can help you reverse and prevent the diabetes from occurring again in your life time. Yes, it will require some changes and good discipline. I think you’d agree that these changes are much smaller to face than the risks of not making any changes and taking medications for the rest of your life. Be Well!

Techniques for Aging Gracefully and Looking Younger

Posted on: June 12th, 2011 by Rakesh Sethi 7 Comments

First I would like to remove a myth about aging. So far there is NO natural or manufactured products in the market that can reverse aging. Some hormone supplements seem to work in slowing down the aging but we are unsure of their side effects in the long run. So the best bet is to accept the notion of aging and age gracefully as oppose to fighting it.

Aging Gracefully and Looking YoungerSenior Couple on Computer
To age gracefully, we must keep in mind that aging has physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual components. All these components are inter-twined and together they make us a “whole” person. As part of aging gracefully, what we loose in physical is made up by gaining experience, wisdom, and peace in mental, intellectual, and spiritual. To focus only on the physical and try to stop or reverse the aging would be going against nature.

Earth, stars, universe, everything around us is aging. It is a law of nature. So you as a part of this nature, if try to go against this natural law, you would only create aggravation and unstable mind. Try to understand this concept from your mature spiritual side; a humble acceptance will replace the aggravation in unstable mind. If you don’t, agitated and stressful mind would only speed up the aging process.

Once we embrace the aging as natural part of us with healthy mental attitude, we can focus on the physical. The basic idea is to slow down the rate of physical decline as we approach the later years of our life. However, preparation to achieve this begins in 30’s and 40’s by eating right foods and having right life style with exercises (or activities).

Imagine our body as a building where each cell is a “brick” in this building. And if the walls of a building have bricks missing here and there, the strength, integrity, and shape of the building is compromised. Our goal is to continue building healthy new cells to replace the old dying cell for as long as possible. If the old cells are not replaced with new cells, skin becomes wrinkled and body looses its strength and shape.

Techniques for Aging Gracefully and Looking Younger
• Form a diet plan with foods based on your mind-body constitution that can help you usher in growth of new cells while creating least amount of toxins in the body. This diet is anti-inflammatory and can be further supported by use of turmeric and ginger to reduce internal inflammation and cleanse (detoxify) the body.
• Include the right vitamins and herbal supplements- NOT to supplement good foods but only to cover the gaps.
Detoxify your body regularly- a weekly fast, a monthly fast, or a quarterly cleanse based on your life style.
• As we age, natural tendency of the body is to loose its muscle mass and to replace it with fat mass. Our goal is to slow down the rate of muscle mass conversion to fat mass and retain as much muscle mass for as long as possible.
• No matter what age, we must stay active. Follow a routine of age appropriate exercises and activities that can help retain the muscle mass, reduce fat buildup, and keeps us flexible.

Besides foods, we need to be aware of the stressful thoughts and emotions we take in from outside or cultivate within. We must figure a way to “metabolize” stress out of our system to remove “mental inflammation.” This can be a cause for many nerves related and other diseases.

Techniques for Aging Gracefully and Looking Younger
• Utilize our life experiences and spiritual knowledge to shift our mental attitudes to neutralize emotions or thoughts that are source of stress.
• Do breathing exercises in yoga and meditation can also help release the stress and eliminate mental inflammation.
• Keep the mind occupied by continuously learning new interesting and challenging things.
• Get good rest at night by sleeping at least 7 hours

Spiritual component supports the both mental and physical. Studies have shown people with strong spiritual connections heal faster and have better immunity. I regard spiritual awareness as the cement holding the bricks together in the building. While the physical and mental components change with age, it is the spiritual component that remains unchanged and is a pillar of support in our aging gracefully.

Techniques for Aging Gracefully and Looking Younger
• Let your conscious be your guide
• Live in harmony with nature within and without (personal and social conduct according to laws of Nature)
• Find out your “gift” and make it a calling to share with the world

As you can tell, all physical, mental, and spiritual are inter-twined, support each other, and make us “whole.” We must identify with each component & address each for our “total” health and wellness in life’s journey while aging gracefully naturally without any risky aging products.  Be Well!

8 Simple Steps in Lowering Blood Pressure Quickly & Naturally

Posted on: June 4th, 2011 by Rakesh Sethi 4 Comments

High blood pressure (hypertension) is perhaps one of the most common ailments in people over forty. Lately because of the life and diet style, high blood pressure is showing up in people in their twenties and thirties. High blood pressure is often called a “silent killer” and must take actions in lowering blood pressure quickly.  One way is to take a prescription drug in lowering blood pressure quickly. This may be desirable for an immediate short term fix. However, any medication taken for a long term can have ill effects on the body systems. So I would like to offer a natural alternative for lowering blood pressure and keeping it low naturally in the long run.


For natural remedy to work in lowering the blood pressure quickly, you need to understand the potential causes of high blood pressure and MUST eliminate them. The most important causes of high blood pressure are stress and a wrong style of living. You can assess from the following which of the causes apply to you:

  • Continuous living under stress and tension- if such a lifestyle continues for a long period, the high blood pressure could become permanent even if the stressful lifestyle is altered or removed
  • Continuous consumption of high fat, low fiber, refined foods, and processed food diet
  • Excessive usage of alcohol, smoking, caffeine (coffee, tea, & cola drinks) in lifestyle can cause disruption in natural process of cleansing and detoxifying body systems. This disruption results in lodging of poisonous waste and toxins in the blood vessels walls and that hardens the blood vessels and or can form blockage.
  • Sedentary lifestyle combining with the above causes results in obesity and diabetes, and that can lead to high blood pressure
  • Recent studies have shown lack of sleep (5-6 hours) to increase risk of high BP by 350%

Natural Remedies in Lowering Blood Pressure Quickly and maintaining it low:

Carefully assess your life and diet style. Remove the leading causes contributing to the high blood pressure. Now follow the natural remedies in lowering the blood pressure quickly:

  1. Take a tablespoon of Amla (Indian Gooseberry) fruit juice (if desired with honey, as it is very sour) with breakfast.
  2. Take 8 to 12 oz. of Concord grape juice or black cherry juice per day.
  3. Take 2500 to 3000mg of garlic per day. That is about a clove of garlic with two meals.
  4. Squeeze fresh lemon or sprinkle lemon juice on lightly cooked vegetables.
  5. Eat real natural food (absolutely avoid refined processed foods that can stay good on the shelf for months). Replace processed food snacks with fresh fruits or vegetables. If you are familiar with Ayurvedic diet, follow the Kapha pacifying diet.  If not, you can learn it here.
  6. Exercise- 30 minutes of walking, bicycling, swimming, or jogging is an excellent help to relieve tension, retain muscles, and promote healthy blood circulation
  7. Yoga exercises such as sun salutations, crocodile pose, fish pose, dead man pose, vajrasana, and particularly pranayama are beneficial. However, if the blood pressure is 200mm or greater, please consult your doctor before taking on exercising.
  8. Make sure to get 7 hours of sleep every night.

Herbal Support:  Take BP Balance herbal formula as directed to help balance your body’s long-term response to stress and its effects. Take organic garlic vegetarian capsules, if you cannot eat the cloves.

Please note if you are already taking a high blood pressure medication, work with your doctor while you incorporate these changes in your diet and lifestyle. As you progress in time with these natural remedies, you will not require any prescription medication in keeping blood pressure lower. Make sure to consult with your doctor before discontinuing your medication. Be Well!

Always Tired- Simple Steps to Natural Cure for Fibromyalgia

Posted on: May 27th, 2011 by Rakesh Sethi 30 Comments

natural remedies for fibromyalgiaWhy am I always tired? It could be fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Two are separate but related disorders that exhibit similar symptoms. They are characterized by lack of energy, overall body fatigue, and pain in muscles and joints. Some days are worse than others. Physically and mentally you feel that you are not the same person you used to be.  Here you will discover  a natural cure for fibromyalgia (which also applies to CFS) or at least how to reduce the symptoms, improve quality of life by following simple natural remedies.


The fundamental cause for fibromyalgia or feeling of always tired is toxic body. As the body accumulates more toxins, the “always tired” symptoms become worse, and you loose the will and ability to perform simple tasks. Toxins accumulate because of the following reasons:

  • Slower or improper digestion
  • Eating wrong foods or eating at the wrong times
  • Over-eating or not eating at sometimes
  • Mental stress due to taking on more tasks than you can do

You can eliminate these causes simply by changing your diet and life style.

Simple Steps for Natural Cure for Fibromyalgia

1. Detoxification

Follow the simple steps listed in an article Detoxify Body in 7 Days:

  1. Start first day with ONLY 32 oz.- 48 oz. of warm to hot water in the morning. Have warm light vegetable soup for lunch.  Or if you can manage with fruits only choose cooked apple or pear, uncooked grapefruit, or pomegranate. In the afternoon have only fresh Ginger tea.  If you can skip evening meal- great, if not, have Moong lentil soup only.  Rest & avoid exercising on this day. For the next 5-6 days:
  2. Have warm light easy to digest foods like chicken broth soups, rice & Moong lentil soups, or other light meals.
  3. Drink hot fresh cut ginger tea 3-4 cups and only hot water through out the day.  Take 1000mg, 1/2 teaspoon or 2x500mg capsules, of  Turmeric after each meal w/ warm water. Triphala- digestive aid herbal formula
  4. Take 2000mg, 1/2 teaspoon or 2x1000mg tablets of  Digest Tone(Triphala Plus)         before bedtime w/ warm water.
  5. Do Ayurvedic massage with warm Ayurvedic massage oil (Massage will move the toxins, improve joint flexibility, and oxygenate the muscles by bringing fresh blood.)
  6. Depending on your toxic state, you can continue this procedure beyond 7 days. The procedure is gentle, gradual, and natural so it can be done for 2-3 weeks. A good sign that the detoxification is working and uprooting the fibromyalgia, is when you have your energy back and do not feel always tired.

You can purchase all the herbs as well as Ayurvedic massage oil  mentioned here in our online store .

2. Post Detoxification- Rejuvenate Body

Gradually work up to your regular diet but AVOID– Icy cold drinks, Fried foods, Red Meats, Cheese, Refined processed foods, Heavy creamy & sugary foods, Raw vegetables, and Cold foods.  Make sure to include raw cold-pressed organic oils in your diet in moderation (up to 1 Tb spoon). Start with walking and gradually work up to exercise routines suitable for your health condition.

3. Stop Re-occurrence with Natural Cure for Fibromyalgia

To naturally avoid reoccurrence of fibromyalgia and avoid being always tired by keeping up your energy level, take turmeric (read health benefits) and ginger (read health benefits) in your daily routine for your health and wellness. Make sure to take on only those tasks that you can accomplish in the time set aside by you. Be Well!


8 Simple Steps to Natural Gastritis Cure

Posted on: May 16th, 2011 by Rakesh Sethi 165 Comments

herbal natural way to gastritis cureHeartburn, Gerd, Acid Reflux, or Gastritis are all signs of increase in “fire” energy in body.  This creates inflammation and irritation in the inner lining of the stomach. If left unattended, it can lead to ulcer and can contribute to other conditions. It is extremely important to have good digestive system for overall physical and mental health. This is the engine that pulls all the other body systems to health. Taking over the counter medications can help you suppress the symptoms but not eliminate the cause. Follow below the simple natural steps for gastritis cure.

First avoid the following causes before starting gastritis cure treatment outlined below:

  • Eating “poor” foods combination, uncooked foods, or overeating
  • Drinking excessive alcohol or caffeine drinks (completely remove these drinks till cured)
  • Eating excessive chili, pepper, and sour (acidic) sauces
  • Excessive worry, chronic anxiety, and continuous stress
  • Note cancer treatment chemotherapy can damage the stomach lining, wait after chemotherapy is over

Simple Steps for Gastritis cure, Acid Reflux, Heartburn, or Gerd:

  1. Keep fast for 2 to 3 days using only liquid diet of milk, soy or almond milk, and buttermilk (Only if your medical condition and body strength allows) Note fasting gives time to inflammation in your stomach to subside and cleanses your system of toxins
  2. Drink coconut water. It is an excellent natural food remedy for gastritis. It gives the stomach necessary rest and provides vitamins and minerals
  3. After fasting or if you can not keep fast, take smaller meals and in between take milk or plain yogurt drinks (buttermilk)
  4. Take 500mg of turmeric with each meal up to 4 times in one day
  5. Take fresh fruits like apple, banana, all berries, and grapefruit separately (not with milk or meals)
  6. Take only steamed and cooked vegetables with cilantro or mint and ginger
  7. Drink 60/40 combination of carrot juice and spinach juice
  8. Last meal should be taken at least 2 to 3 hours before bed time

Continue the above regimen till you see improvement in your gastritis cure. Gradually lower the turmeric to 1000mg per day and take 1000mg of Triphala after the last meal before bed time with warm milk.

Herbal Support: If you have occasional indigestion, use herbal formula Aci-Balance to promote balanced digestion.

Anxiety Disorders: Natural and Herbal Anxiety Remedies

Posted on: May 7th, 2011 by Rakesh Sethi 10 Comments

For natural herbal anxiety remedies to be effective, you must commit to changing your diet and life style. This particularly includes changing eating and living behaviors to remove mental and physical causes that increase your anxiety as discussed in the previous article.

The physical causes must be removed prior to beginning natural and herbal remedies for anxiety. In addition, the mental causes must be addressed with the physical treatment.  Along with seeing a psychologist, you can significantly benefit by joining a local self help or support group and receive help by listening and sharing problems and achievements with each other.

Natural remedies for anxiety include the following suggestions:

Diet Modification:

  • Always eat warm cooked food with a table spoon of olive oil (per day)
  • No ice or ice cold drinks
  • Eat 2-3 ounces of mixed nuts per day. Almonds should be soaked overnight in water, peeled and taken in the morning

Life Style Modification:

  • Organize your day- make a list of things to do and stick to them (have ONLY reasonable #s on to do list)
  • Perform oil massage 2 -3 times per week with Ayurvedic Massage Oil. Leave oil on for 20-30 minutes before taking shower
  • Aerobics or fast paced exercise NO MORE than 2-3 times per week
  • Include meditation and yoga exercises in your daily morning routine (20-30 minutes be fine

woman doing yoga, exercises, and having massage

Supplements and Herbal Anxiety Remediesorganic-ashwagandha-capsules

  • Take Vitamin B12 and 2000mg of fish oil daily after a meal
  • Take 1000mg of Ashwagandha herb with warm milk after breakfast and 1000mg after dinner.
  • Take 1000mg of Shankpushpi herb before bedtime with warm milk.  If you have trouble sleeping, you can increase the amount up to 3000mg

You can purchase both herbs and Ayurvedic massage oil  in our online store. The herbal anxiety remedies suggested are rejuvenating, relaxing, and not stimulating. They are nerve tonic for nervous exhaustion with no side effects. They promote tranquility without dulling the mind. DO CONSULT with your Ayurvedic practitioner and physician before making changes in your regimen. Be Well!

Anxiety Natural Remedies and Causes

Posted on: May 7th, 2011 by Rakesh Sethi 1 Comment

Anxiety is a reaction to inner unwanted thoughts, emotions, or impulses. Anxiety disorders affect almost 1 in 5 adult individuals that means about 40 million people suffer with some kind of anxiety disorder in United States.  Anxiety disorders jeopardize person’s ability to function in personal, social, and professional life.  Believe it or not, your diet plays a role in reducing or increasing anxiety. Good news is that there are natural anxiety remedies you can implement in your diet and life style to minimize the affect or completely cure the anxiety disorders. anxiety


Before implementing anxiety natural remedies, you need to understand the causes of anxiety and remove them from your mind (mental) and body (physical).  Mind-body wellness is intricately interwoven.  One affects the wellness of the other.  Physiology supports psychology and vice-versa.

Mental Causes: Thoughts and emotions are food for your mind. Be careful what you are carrying, you continue to take in, and dwell on.  You must have someone trustworthy friend or psychologist to speak with to metabolize your “stuck” thoughts and emotions out of your mind.  Read more in Mental Gingivitis article.

Physical Causes: Foods and drinks we take in can contribute to your anxiety.  According many studies conducted in the last three decades: anxiety remedies

1.  Alcohol and substance abuse can mask the anxiety symptoms or make them worse in some individuals

2.  Caffeine, well known for causing anxious behavior in people, has anxiogenic effects that can amplify anxiety in some anxiety disorder patients offsetting any alertness benefits of caffeine

3.  According to Ayurveda natural medicine, cold, raw, dry, processed, and pungent foods can increase anxiety in the individuals suffering from anxiety disorders. Yes, RAW foods, for some people they can create havoc.

Both physical and mental “foods” we take in affect the anxiety. Though the root cause of the anxiety lies in the mind, the physiology, eating right foods,  must support the mind and should not aggravate or contribute to anxiety. First, you must remove the causes for any treatment to work and if you don’t anxiety will increase to panic and fear. If you are looking to use natural remedies for anxiety, then be prepared to treat both the physiology (body) and psychology (mind). Please proceed to next article for anxiety natural remedies.

Vitamin D Foods: What’s so Hot About the Sunshine Vitamin?

Posted on: April 30th, 2011 by Dr. Pankaj Vij 5 Comments

In the past 5 years or so, we have seen a renewed interest in the sunshine vitamin because new data suggest benefits extending beyond bone health. Possibility of association of vitamin D deficiency has been described with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, pain, asthma, allergies, depression, multiple sclerosis, and even mortality. These reasons should be enough to convince us to add Vitamin D foods in our diet.

Rickets was first described in the 1600’s, as a disease of rich children (because they were getting less sunlight exposure than the poor). It was characterized by weak bones: bow-legs and bone pain. There is no question about the role of Vitamin D in bone health. Widespread use of cod liver oil and fortification of milk, foods containing vitamin D, led to the virtual disappearance of rickets in North America and Europe by the 1930’s.

Types of Vitamin D
Vitamin D comes in 2 forms: D2 or Ergocalciferol and D3 or Cholecalciferol
D3 is produced in the skin in response to sunlight (UV B radiation) or can be obtained from animal sources in the diet. D2 can only be acquired from a few plant sources.

Vitamin D Food sources: For vitamin D3 deep sea fatty fish, egg yolks, liver
Vitamin D Food sources: For vitamin D2 : rare sources in plants; primarily produced commercially by irradiation of yeast for fortification and supplementation

Foods containing both forms of vitamin D undergo identical metabolism. Both are converted to 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the liver and this 25(OH) D is used to measure vitamin D level in the lab. In the kidney, 25 (OH) D is further hydroxylated to 1, 25 (OH) D, which is biologically active form of vitamin D.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Diseases Research
1, 25 (OH) D has been well known to involve with calcium metabolism and bone health. The association between vitamin D insufficiency, sometimes defined as a level of 25 (OH) D below 30 ng/mL, and cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, pain, asthma, allergies, depression, multiple sclerosis, and mortality is being intensely investigated. The most promising research is a National Institutes of Health funded clinical trial with 20,000 participants which started this year, and will last 5 years. This should help clarify the benefits and risks of vitamin D supplementation in our diet.

Vitamin D Dosage
Until the research results are in, it is perfectly reasonable to find out your vitamin D level. Include foods with vitamin D plus take 1000-2000 units of D3 as a supplement along with your fish oil and low dose Aspirin(if over 45 or as recommended by your doctor) to maintain your health and wellness.

Dr. Vij, MD Passionate About Practicing Integrative Medicine

Posted on: April 27th, 2011 by Rakesh Sethi 2 Comments

Many of you know a few years ago I changed my life’s mission simply out of my love and passion for mind, body, and spirit wellness using natural remedies. After a few years of doing this I continue to discover that this is my calling in life. It is our good fortune to have an MD physician as a contributor who brings similar passion and believes in integrative medicine.

It is with great pleasure I would like to introduce Dr. Pankaj Vij, MD, who is joining me in this calling. He brings great enthusiasm and passion for integrative medicine, especially  marrying conventional medicine with complimentary natural medical system like Ayurveda.

Dr Pankaj Vij is a Board Certified Internal Medicine physician practicing in the San Francisco Bay area since 2002. He is passionate about the role of nutrition and wellness in health and disease. He enjoys de-mystifying popular beliefs and presenting the facts backed by sound scientific evidence. He has the gift of taking complex issues and presenting them in a simple and logical way. He is a regular speaker on topics such as Eating for Optimal Wellness, Nutrition, Fitness and Metabolism. He has helped hundreds of people achieve and maintain their goal weight and improve their fitness level.

He is a firmly believes in practicing integrative medicine. Ayurveda has been for thousands of years and now conventional medicine is taking in account the mind-body connection to health. Because a healthy lifestyle (i.e. physical, mental, and psycho-spiritual balance) is the key to longevity and quality of life, he is on a life-long quest to uncover the secrets to achieving balance in the body-mind and with the sorroundings.

He attended medical school at the elite All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. He completed his residency in Internal Medicine at William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI.

Our goal is to provide unbiased practical information/suggestions based on integrative medicine and on natural remedies that you can use in your daily lives to prevent diseases, stay younger and healthy, and live happier and longer. Be Well!

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