Posts Tagged ‘Life Style’
The Link Between Food Body and Mind
Everyday research is uncovering that there is a strong link between the body and mind or your physiology and psychology; the different foods you eat, based on your mind-body constitution, interact differently with your physiology. There is a strong relationship between the types of foods you eat and the quality of emotions you stimulate in your mind. Use the following as a guide to fine-tune your diet even further beyond what is just healthy the body to what promotes and supports better quality of emotions.
Foods that invoke Enlightened quality of (mind) emotions:
Milk, fresh fruits, whole grains, fresh vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds are all good for supporting the enlightened quality of mind. However, fresh fruits and dairy products (excluding fermented cheeses) are the best in influencing the enlightened quality of mind. In preparation, use little or no onions, garlic, or red chili. Use just enough oil—not too much.
Foods that invoke Egoistic quality of (mind) emotions:
All meats, bleached flour, chick-peas, onions, garlic, and fermented cheeses. In preparation, when you use lots of onions, garlic, salt, and oil, you change the food’s energy to where it brings out more of the egoistic quality of mind.
Foods that invoke Ignorant quality of (mind) emotions:
All old-spoiled foods, bitter and sour foods, deep fried foods, unripe fruits and vegetables, fermented-old foods, intoxicating liquors, foods that are prepared using sour or spicy hot spices, and/or a lot of oil.
Practical Suggestion: How should you use this information? By combining this information with eating foods based on your unique mind-body constitution, you can design your diet regimen and fine-tune your recipes. A word of caution here! Do not try to shift your diet toward the enlightened quality overnight. You must balance your taste, enjoyment, and health in making a slow transition toward the enlightened quality. This gives you a goal to shoot for so you will make a lasting change.
Read more about selecting suitable foods as per your mind-body constitution in the “Health+Happiness=Wellness” book.
How to Make Powerful Anti-Aging Strategies Part of Your Lifestyle
We try many things to slow down aging – anti-aging foods, anti-aging drugs, hormones, diets, pills and surgery. However let me share the most powerful strategy lies elsewhere.
Everybody wants to slow the aging process and remain healthy. We try many things – anti-aging drugs, anti-aging pills – hormones, foods, diets, pills and various types of cosmetic surgery. Most doctors tell us the key to aging gracefully is to exercise and eat healthy. Regardless of the approach taken, the health benefits achieved by these anti-aging methods can be limited for some people and practically non-existent for others. Anti-aging strategies, if not applied intelligently and with care, can create even more problems than they solve. Why is this so?
Because every person is unique. What is healthy and promotes wellness for one person may not be healthy for another. What works for one person may produce no benefits at all for another. There is no easy, one-size-fits-all answer for everyone. Every person has a unique constitution. Therein lies the real key to success for those who hope to achieve long-term wellness and dramatically slow the aging process.
Healthy living, based on the Ayurvedic medical system can take an individual’s health to a whole new level and slow down the aging process. The key word here is ‘individual’. Every individual is unique. There are 5 key points we must understand:
1. Before you embark upon your healthy living path, you must know what makes your body-mind composition unique. Eating and living healthy revolving around your unique composition creates a personalized wellness path which can really slow down aging throughout your life.
2. Healthy living, utilizing your unique composition, facilitates your body’s inherent ability to heal itself. Your body is self-sufficient. It is the wrong thoughts and foods that compromise its ability to live in health.
3. Once you start to eat and live according to your unique mind-body constitution, you create less stress and toxins in your body systems. You live disease free. That is the underlying secret to really slow down aging naturally.
4. On your personalized wellness path, you promote health and participate in your wellness every day. This is the true definition of practicing preventive care and living disease free. Practicing preventive care is NOT taking tests to find out if you have a disease or not. Prevention is what you practice prior to taking those tests.
5.Your wellness path is your own personal healthcare reform. There is no healthcare reform for you unless you take charge to reform your own health.
When you base your approach to everyday living on Ayurveda as per “Health + Happiness = Wellness” book, you participate in your health every day. Ayurveda is a health-management approach that encourages wellness, rather than a disease-management approach that treats illness. In Sanskrit, ‘Ayur’ means life, and ‘Veda’ means science.
In addition, Ayurveda medical science addresses each individual as an entirely unique person. Unlike traditional Western medicine’s one-size-fits-all approach, the Ayurvedic medical system recognizes that everyone has a unique mind-body constitution. This unique medical science addresses the whole person – not just the physical being. Thus you create a healthy lifestyle personalized to your uniqueness and slow down the aging process.
Ayurvedic Diet Adjustments with Your Seasonal Cycle
What is the Seasonal Cycle?
In Ayurveda the year is divided into three main seasons. Mother Nature changes and her seasons follow each other like clockwork. The changes in Nature affect all living beings living on the planet. For some, these changes have beneficial effects, and for some, they do not. It all depends on the season and your mind-body constitution. A proper seasonal adjustment to your diet will minimize the negative effect on your mental and physical health.
How Do Energies Change with the Seasons?
The Vata, Pitta, and Kapha energies change in each season. One of the energies dominates while the other two virtually have no impact during that season. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha each dominate one of the seasons as shown below.
Kapha energy increases in Nature during the spring season. This means that if you have a Kapha constitution, the Kapha energy in you is likely to be aggravated in spring. Pitta energy increases in Nature during the summer season. This increase means that if your constitution is Pitta, the Pitta energy in you is more likely to be aggravated in summer. Vata energy increases in Nature during the fall/winter season. This means that if you have a Vata constitution, the Vata energy in you is likely to be aggravated in fall/winter. The energy that dominates the season dictates what adjustments you need to make to your Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle. In order to keep your balance, you must change to match the change in energy in that particular season.
My point here is that we need to be mindful of changes in outer Nature and make adjustments in our regimen, diet, and lifestyle accordingly such that our inner nature remains in balance.
One of the best nourishing things you could do during fall/winter seasons is warm oil massage. If you do not make these adjustments, you may develop constipation, joint pains, and nervous system related conditions like anxiety, depression, and loss of memory. Discover more about spring and summer seasonal adjustments in the “Health+Happiness=Wellness” book.
As You Change Your Clothing, So Should Your Diet
A good way to remember about seasonal modifications is to observe how you change your clothing. As the season changes to summer, you change your clothing to lighter, cooler, and softer, more calming colors. As the season changes to fall/winter, you change your clothing to warmer, heavier, and darker colors. And as the season turns to spring, you change your clothing to a bit lighter, brighter, but still somewhat warm colors that are not as cool and light as in summer. Work this pattern into your Ayurvedic diet as well. In this case, what you put on the outside is a guide for what you put in the inside.
Ayurvedic Massage: What a Great Benefit!
Wouldn’t you like a massage that does more than just relaxation? Ayurvedic massage is a unique massage that offers incredible following benefits:
- Nourishes the mind and body
- Strengthens immunity
- Increases stamina
- Builds muscle tone
- Reduces stress
- Removes toxins (more effective when followed by exercising and sauna or steam bath)
- Slows down aging
- Calms mind and helps sleep better
- Balances and heals body faster
With so many benefits, wouldn’t it be nice to get an Ayurvedic massage every day. Well, it is recommended that you do it every day. However, with limited available time every other day will be fine too or even once a week will offer tremendous benefits. Imagine, that is fifty two times a year more than what you do right now.
Can you do this massage at home? Of course you can. In fact giving Ayurvedic massage to each other would be an excellent activity for a couple. In addition to the above benefits, you nourish your relationship as well.
What oil to use?
You can use sesame oil but to enhance the benefits of the ayurvedic daily massage use Ayurvedic Massage Oils. These precise blends of ayurvedic herbs and aromas are more easily absorbed by the skin than sesame oil or other regular massage oils, and as a result, rejuvenate your body quickly. You can purchase Rejuvenation Massage Oil for Men and Women in our online store.
How do you do Ayurvedic massage?
Follow the simple instructions below:
- Warm cold pressed three table spoons of oil (per person)
- Start with vigorous massage on the head with palm of your hand
- Using gentle strokes, massage the forehead, temples, ears, and face
- Massage the rest of your body arms, hands, legs, feet, back, and chest
- Massage stomach with gentle clockwise strokes
Note: To get more familiar with the Ayurvedic massage strokes, I would recommend receiving a massage a few times from an Ayurvedically trained massage therapist or Ayurvedic practitioner. But even if you don’t have a chance to learn from a trained therapist, you should continue on your own. The most important part is to supply the oil in a loving way.
Caution: No hard deep tissue strokes should be used. Remember gentle loving strokes promote calming effect on the mind. Do not do Ayurvedic massage if you are overweight, have fever, or bad digestion.
Give 20- 25 minutes time to absorb the oil to deeper layers of your skin. Use this time to do stretches, bending, twisting, or even gentle running. After oil nourishes to the deeper layers, sweating in sauna or steam bath is wonderful to detoxify your body. Stay in sauna till you are sweating, perhaps 10 minutes or so. After that take warm shower with mild soap and shampoo. Avoid using hot water and harsh soaps.

Portable Sauna
Note: If you do not have access to sauna, you can get one a portable sauna here. For full benefit of massage, use sauna after every massage.
One of my clients, a woman in her thirties had spotting after her periods around the ovulation time for over three years. After some tests, her doctor couldn’t find anything and recommended taking birth control pills to remove this problem. She didn’t want to take the pills with concern of possible side effects plus she was also trying to get pregnant. Just then she had started to do an Ayurvedic massage two times a week. After about eight weeks, she saw her spotting completely went away.
This real life example illustrates how Ayurvedic massage can strengthen, balance, and heal minor irritable problems in otherwise healthy body. Ayurvedic massage is a loving treatment for your mind and body. Enjoy it with your partner. Be Well!
How to Realize Benefits of Meditation in the Real World? Part 2
In part one of meditation article series, you discovered what is the true purpose of meditation. Here you will find out how to realize benefits of meditation in the real world. First we must understand how our body, mind, & intellect work. While body can do multiple tasks, the mind can only do one task at one time. When our mind gets involved in performing multiple tasks it gets tired easily & the quality of each action suffers. Which in turn leads to uncertainty, uncertainty leads to increase in anxiety, and anxious mind creates restlessness ultimately leading to stress.
Now this is where we realize the benefits of meditation practice. Just as in during meditation in room alone, we used our intellect to keep the mind on one & one thing alone, we do the same thing here. Our intellect must always keep strict observation over our mind & prevent the mind from wandering off into past or future and taking on multiple tasks. By staying focused on the one task at the present moment and completing it gives us great satisfaction; then completing five tasks with uncertainty in mind, which ultimately leads to do-over & stress. You must have heard of “living in the moment”. Well, my friends, this is how you live in the present moment. When we start to live like this, we practice meditation every living moment of our lives.
We discussed stress created due to mind involved in multiple tasks. Another source of stress is mind living in conflict. Often conflicts create a sea of emotions in the mind since people’s egos are involved. Therefore, here it becomes extremely important that intellect over sees action or actions that will resolve the conflict without creating any additional conflicts. Here again we realize the benefits of meditation. Using meditation technique, the intellect must use the mind as a field on which various different resolution action scenarios can be played out. While playing out these scenarios, intellect must keep emotions, egos and selfishness in check. The mind focuses on an action that resolves a conflict without creating any additional ones. This is a technique for conflict resolution and to avoid any potential conflicts.
So far we have been discussing “outward” benefits of meditation. If you are comfortable here, it is absolutely fine. But there are also an “inward” benefits of meditation. This inward journey is very subtle, must be taken seriously, and only after one is at peace with all external matters. Otherwise it is difficult to stay with it, and if one becomes frustrated, one should immediately step back from this type of meditation practice and take up again later at an appropriate time.
Imagine if You Tried These Simple Meditation Techniques
Imagine benefits of meditation if you were to start using meditation techniques in your everyday life situations. In one sentence your stress will decrease and success will increase. You will have more control over your life. You will avoid creating excessive stress from conflicts at home & at work, conflicts in relationships, and problems with health. Stress and mind in conflict can become a root cause of a disease. By practicing regularly and daily, you could avoid any future potential health problems and create true wellness.
A mind living in conflict cannot meditate. How can you know peace without meditation? How can you know joy without peace? So if your goal is to live in peace and experience joy in your life, you must give these techniques a serious try.
In nut shell, we practice meditation in our part time only to put meditation into practice full time all day to realize benefits of meditation in all of our other affairs.
If you liked the benefits of this article then the biggest compliment you can give is by sharing its benefits with others.
Be Well!
Rakesh Sethi
Share your comments, thoughts and suggestions below. I appreciate your time & will take the time to read every single one!
Healthy Eating Habits: It’s Not What, It’s How You Eat it?
In ancient Vedic times, offering food to the body with love was a ritual. This ritual is almost exactly the same as offering of foods and other things with love to the Gods in presence of fire and asking for their blessings in return. These rituals of offerings with love are found in many corners of the planet in different cultures. Now imagine offering of the food with love to the “fire” (of hunger) in our stomach and asking for blessings of a healthy body in return. Wouldn’t you agree, this is one of the very basic healthy eating habits?
Today we have scientific experiments that support this notion. One such experiment was conducted with rabbits.
One group of rabbits was fed unhealthy cholesterol rich food by throwing the food into their cage. The other group of rabbits was given the same unhealthy food but after holding and petting them with love. Results were startling different. Yes, you guessed it right! The group fed by food thrown into the cage developed heart and circulatory diseases while the group of rabbits fed with love showed a little or no adverse effects on their circulatory system.
Could we not take in food with love to maintain health of our own bodies? Of course we can and we must make time for it.
If you are still with me, then you must be serious about making a fundamental change in your lifestyle for better health. You will find my passion in my in this and many other articles to inspire people to change. My goal is to awaken the “doctor” in you that you are born with.
Thank you for your time and attention. If you would like to join in my passion then the biggest tribute you can give is by sharing this information with others. You will raise their awareness to small fundamental preventive care tips offered here, promote health and wellness, and change their lives forever. Be Well!
PS: First step in changing your eating habits is to start Eating Suitable Foods not just healthy foods. Learn this know-how in FREE “simple secret to good health” mini course. Subscribe here:
How Often to Have Sex to Stay healthy & Age Gracefully?
How often is it healthy to have sex? Is it beneficial to have more or less often? What is sex? The act of sex connects two beings physically, emotionally, and spiritually. However, if sex is reduced to just a physical act between two beings, its subtle underlying benefits diminish significantly. Human beings like physical touch, emotional engagement, and even spiritual connection. Sex is the only act during which two human experience oneness of all physical, emotional, and spiritual beings. Each being for those brief moments cease to exist by itself. During these moments, is it a human being having a spiritual experience or a spiritual being having a human. You decide. But either way sex plays an important role in our health and aging gracefully. Health and wellness is promoted from the most subtle spiritual levels to gross physical levels of our being.
What Constitutes Sex?
Sex between a loving couple is an intimate expression of love. Sex is often mostly associated to having “hot and steamy” intercourse. This is due to our culture creating such an image about sex. While at times a couple will have such enjoyable moments but the sex is not just restricted to that. In fact, if you live with such expectations, you could be in for a big disappointment. Especially as you age, the sex drive you had at the age of 30 will not be the same at the age of 60. However, the inherent drive for being intimate to give, and to receive love and affection is just the same. It is up to two people to decide how they would like to express their love and sex can take many forms. So continuously redefining your sexual intimacy can not only bring you pleasure but it is also good for your health and aging gracefully.
How Often to Have Sex?
This of course is a very personal preference. However, ancient medical system- Ayurveda offers some general guidance here. For a healthy person, it is based on how much sexual tissue a person can afford to lose in a particular time of the year (or season). Our body’s nature inside behaves according to the natural cycle outside. (however, our mind- that’s a different story) So follow the guidance below:
- In the fall/winter, body is in the fast “build & store” mode to deal with winter. If you lose sexual tissue, it is replenished quickly. So in the fall/winter you can enjoy sex once per day.
- In the spring, body is slowly relinquishing fat stored during winter to become light for summer. If you lose sexual tissue, it is replenished slowly. So in the spring you can enjoy sex twice per week.
- In the summer, body naturally wants to eat and stay light. If you lose sexual tissue, it takes a lot longer to replenish the tissue. So in the summer you can enjoy sex twice per month.
Note: Diet should be modified to match the seasonal requirements. Also age and other personal health conditions should be considered in forming your sexual habits. Going against the natural cycle means depleting your sexual tissues. The consequences of living with depleted sexual tissues is decreased immunity, infertility, and decreased energy. This in turn will make you susceptible to diseases, loss of health, and speedup aging.
When we follow the rules of how often to have sex, sex is not only a pleasurable activity that supports aging gracefully but also promotes health and wellness from the most subtle spiritual levels to gross physical levels of our being.
Health Tip: Use Amrit herbal formula to rejuvenate and build all tissues, including reproductive. Both men and women can take this as directed.
“Young Man Kissing his lovers neck” Image courtesy of stockimages at
Natural Home Remedies for Diabetes: Diet for Diabetics
Recent statistics reveal that the Diabetes Mellitus (type 2) cases are on the rise, especially, in age group 20 and younger. And herein lays the URGENCY to raise a healthy next generation. One of the main contributing factors is increase in processed and fast food diet and sedentary life style. Good news is you can treat this type of diabetic condition by using simple, easy, and natural home remedies for diabetes. Bad news is, if you let it slide and ignore, you will face life altering risks of:
• Robbing you of your normal quality of life
• Making you more vulnerable to life threatening diseases- High Blood Pressure, heart disease, nervous system, stroke, kidney failure, amputation, and blindness
• Taking your wounds longer to heal
• Increasing your risk of death 2 times the people without diabetes
I hope these life threatening risks would inspire you to take immediate action after consulting with your doctor.
Diabetes Mellitus is a disease more probable when you are:
• Over Weight
• Overeating- not just sugar products but also proteins, fats, and carbohydrates
• Eating wrong diet- refined sugar, cereals, and white flour products
• Living under constant stressful and inactive lifestyle
Treatment with Natural Home Remedies for Diabetes
The natural remedies will be effective only after you remove the causes and then follow the changes in your diet and life style as described below:
• Remove fatty & fried foods
• Avoid all together or limit cheeses
• Replace wheat grains, rice, and white flour with oats, barley, millets, or quinoa
• Add bitter melon and okra to your vegetable menu (or 2oz. of bitter melon juice per day)
• Add sprouted fenugreek seeds in your diet about 100gm per week (2000mg in capsules/day)
• Use sunflower oil in place of all other oils
• Cook recipes that use garlic, onions, and ginger. In fact take ginger tea 2-3 times a day
• Other add-ons you can frequently use in cooking are; cinnamon, holy basil, cayenne, coriander seeds
People familiar with Ayurveda should note that basics behind diet suggested here is Kapha pacifying diet.
Role of Exercise
There is an incredible amount of evidence that regular vigorous (aerobic) exercising benefits all factors of diabetes. If you are just starting, start with gentle walking and work up to more intense routines.
Yoga is excellent in exercising and stimulating the functions of the internal organs along GI tract, liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc. Do the Following Yoga positions- Cobra pose, Fish pose, Spinal twist, and Janushirasna
Herbal Support
There are many herbal solutions to support you with the above diet. Take Glucostat as directed. If in doubt, please see an Ayurvedic practitioner for assessment. Gradually, it is possible your natural home remedies for diabetes, mainly your diet, may be sufficient and you may not require additional herbal support. If you are taking prescription drug, please consult with your doctor.
Whether you are over or under 20 years of age, these natural home remedies for diabetes can help you reverse and prevent the diabetes from occurring again in your life time. Yes, it will require some changes and good discipline. I think you’d agree that these changes are much smaller to face than the risks of not making any changes and taking medications for the rest of your life. Be Well!
Techniques for Aging Gracefully and Looking Younger
First I would like to remove a myth about aging. So far there is NO natural or manufactured products in the market that can reverse aging. Some hormone supplements seem to work in slowing down the aging but we are unsure of their side effects in the long run. So the best bet is to accept the notion of aging and age gracefully as oppose to fighting it.
Aging Gracefully and Looking Younger
To age gracefully, we must keep in mind that aging has physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual components. All these components are inter-twined and together they make us a “whole” person. As part of aging gracefully, what we loose in physical is made up by gaining experience, wisdom, and peace in mental, intellectual, and spiritual. To focus only on the physical and try to stop or reverse the aging would be going against nature.
Earth, stars, universe, everything around us is aging. It is a law of nature. So you as a part of this nature, if try to go against this natural law, you would only create aggravation and unstable mind. Try to understand this concept from your mature spiritual side; a humble acceptance will replace the aggravation in unstable mind. If you don’t, agitated and stressful mind would only speed up the aging process.
Once we embrace the aging as natural part of us with healthy mental attitude, we can focus on the physical. The basic idea is to slow down the rate of physical decline as we approach the later years of our life. However, preparation to achieve this begins in 30’s and 40’s by eating right foods and having right life style with exercises (or activities).
Imagine our body as a building where each cell is a “brick” in this building. And if the walls of a building have bricks missing here and there, the strength, integrity, and shape of the building is compromised. Our goal is to continue building healthy new cells to replace the old dying cell for as long as possible. If the old cells are not replaced with new cells, skin becomes wrinkled and body looses its strength and shape.
Techniques for Aging Gracefully and Looking Younger
• Form a diet plan with foods based on your mind-body constitution that can help you usher in growth of new cells while creating least amount of toxins in the body. This diet is anti-inflammatory and can be further supported by use of turmeric and ginger to reduce internal inflammation and cleanse (detoxify) the body.
• Include the right vitamins and herbal supplements- NOT to supplement good foods but only to cover the gaps.
• Detoxify your body regularly- a weekly fast, a monthly fast, or a quarterly cleanse based on your life style.
• As we age, natural tendency of the body is to loose its muscle mass and to replace it with fat mass. Our goal is to slow down the rate of muscle mass conversion to fat mass and retain as much muscle mass for as long as possible.
• No matter what age, we must stay active. Follow a routine of age appropriate exercises and activities that can help retain the muscle mass, reduce fat buildup, and keeps us flexible.
Besides foods, we need to be aware of the stressful thoughts and emotions we take in from outside or cultivate within. We must figure a way to “metabolize” stress out of our system to remove “mental inflammation.” This can be a cause for many nerves related and other diseases.
Techniques for Aging Gracefully and Looking Younger
• Utilize our life experiences and spiritual knowledge to shift our mental attitudes to neutralize emotions or thoughts that are source of stress.
• Do breathing exercises in yoga and meditation can also help release the stress and eliminate mental inflammation.
• Keep the mind occupied by continuously learning new interesting and challenging things.
• Get good rest at night by sleeping at least 7 hours
Spiritual component supports the both mental and physical. Studies have shown people with strong spiritual connections heal faster and have better immunity. I regard spiritual awareness as the cement holding the bricks together in the building. While the physical and mental components change with age, it is the spiritual component that remains unchanged and is a pillar of support in our aging gracefully.
Techniques for Aging Gracefully and Looking Younger
• Let your conscious be your guide
• Live in harmony with nature within and without (personal and social conduct according to laws of Nature)
• Find out your “gift” and make it a calling to share with the world
As you can tell, all physical, mental, and spiritual are inter-twined, support each other, and make us “whole.” We must identify with each component & address each for our “total” health and wellness in life’s journey while aging gracefully naturally without any risky aging products. Be Well!
8 Simple Steps in Lowering Blood Pressure Quickly & Naturally
High blood pressure (hypertension) is perhaps one of the most common ailments in people over forty. Lately because of the life and diet style, high blood pressure is showing up in people in their twenties and thirties. High blood pressure is often called a “silent killer” and must take actions in lowering blood pressure quickly. One way is to take a prescription drug in lowering blood pressure quickly. This may be desirable for an immediate short term fix. However, any medication taken for a long term can have ill effects on the body systems. So I would like to offer a natural alternative for lowering blood pressure and keeping it low naturally in the long run.
For natural remedy to work in lowering the blood pressure quickly, you need to understand the potential causes of high blood pressure and MUST eliminate them. The most important causes of high blood pressure are stress and a wrong style of living. You can assess from the following which of the causes apply to you:
- Continuous living under stress and tension- if such a lifestyle continues for a long period, the high blood pressure could become permanent even if the stressful lifestyle is altered or removed
- Continuous consumption of high fat, low fiber, refined foods, and processed food diet
- Excessive usage of alcohol, smoking, caffeine (coffee, tea, & cola drinks) in lifestyle can cause disruption in natural process of cleansing and detoxifying body systems. This disruption results in lodging of poisonous waste and toxins in the blood vessels walls and that hardens the blood vessels and or can form blockage.
- Sedentary lifestyle combining with the above causes results in obesity and diabetes, and that can lead to high blood pressure
- Recent studies have shown lack of sleep (5-6 hours) to increase risk of high BP by 350%
Natural Remedies in Lowering Blood Pressure Quickly and maintaining it low:
Carefully assess your life and diet style. Remove the leading causes contributing to the high blood pressure. Now follow the natural remedies in lowering the blood pressure quickly:
- Take a tablespoon of Amla (Indian Gooseberry) fruit juice (if desired with honey, as it is very sour) with breakfast.
- Take 8 to 12 oz. of Concord grape juice or black cherry juice per day.
- Take 2500 to 3000mg of garlic per day. That is about a clove of garlic with two meals.
- Squeeze fresh lemon or sprinkle lemon juice on lightly cooked vegetables.
- Eat real natural food (absolutely avoid refined processed foods that can stay good on the shelf for months). Replace processed food snacks with fresh fruits or vegetables. If you are familiar with Ayurvedic diet, follow the Kapha pacifying diet. If not, you can learn it here.
- Exercise- 30 minutes of walking, bicycling, swimming, or jogging is an excellent help to relieve tension, retain muscles, and promote healthy blood circulation
- Yoga exercises such as sun salutations, crocodile pose, fish pose, dead man pose, vajrasana, and particularly pranayama are beneficial. However, if the blood pressure is 200mm or greater, please consult your doctor before taking on exercising.
- Make sure to get 7 hours of sleep every night.
Herbal Support: Take BP Balance herbal formula as directed to help balance your body’s long-term response to stress and its effects. Take organic garlic vegetarian capsules, if you cannot eat the cloves.
Please note if you are already taking a high blood pressure medication, work with your doctor while you incorporate these changes in your diet and lifestyle. As you progress in time with these natural remedies, you will not require any prescription medication in keeping blood pressure lower. Make sure to consult with your doctor before discontinuing your medication. Be Well!